Sami and Mommy

Sami and Mommy

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My first "Trial" to blog about - with a touch of rant!

Today seems to be a bad day for me... I am still trying to catch up on sleep that was apparently sorely missed from this past weekend, I was up later then intended last night (my fault entirely for getting into the book I was reading and loosing track of time, AFTER getting home late from a birthday party and trying to bathe a half asleep/fussy baby well after her normal bed time AND knowing I needed to prepare lunches for the next day so I could get up this morning and go to the gym) and customers at work today just seem determined to pluck my last nerve!  *Side note before I continue: I have no doubt that stay at home mom's have it rough at times - and I can appreciate and admire the tenacity it takes to be a stay at home mom because I know that I never could do it (I'd go crazy!) :)

It's rough sometimes, working 40 hours a week at a job that is over an hour's drive away (but a job that I love), and still trying to fit in quality time with the family and quality alone time - which is mostly my early morning jaunts to the gym. Then there is house work and making sure everyone has lunches and food ready for the next day. Pile on top of that less sleep then normal and evening weekday social engagements, and *POOF* - you've got a recipe for a very sleepy and short tempered Graphic Designer/Mommy/Wife/Commuter/etc!

I am not complaining - at least not a lot! I have great friends that I just don't get to see enough!!! But my shoulders can only bare so much weight and I'm close to maxed out just on a normal basis... anything extra seems to just crush me now-a-days! God, I remember what it was like back in high school and college. Studying half the night and still making it through a full day of school and work without really being that much worse-for-wear! I want that youth and energy back!!! I can now truly understand and agree with the statement that youth is wasted on the young! They just don't now how much ~ I didn't know when I was young (and, trust me, I knew EVERYTHING back then!).

But, really, what choice do I have? I can't quite... I can't walk away... And I really don't see any major changes coming down the line. So, I'll trudge on. I'll make it through.... I'll survive :)

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