Sami and Mommy

Sami and Mommy

Friday, July 8, 2011

Random thought for today...

First, for the past three days, my daughter (who is almost 19 months old) has decided that she doesn't need to take a long nap, if any nap at all! Tuesday, no nap - Wednesday, 30 minute nap - Thursday, no nap... I am wondering what today will bring? The past several evenings have been a trial, trying to get a fussy and tired toddler to eat, take a bath, and not go to bed too early. Some other mom's have told me that this is about the age that some children stop taking naps, or cut back on nap lengths. They are just afraid of missing something... well, that would be my Samantha Brooke! Little Miss. Busy-body! I asked her daycare today to try just one nap after lunch instead of our normal mid-morning and mid-afternoon routine that has worked well for the past several months, so we'll see! I'll update in later posts!

Second, I am finding more and more that on days I get up and make it into the gym I tend to have more energy and find I am an all around more pleasant individual.... Unfortunately, I am unable to get up and get to the gym EVERY morning because of various reasons - but this is something to consider (maybe that exercise bike I have in the basement will get used after all!)...

Third, I am looking forward to this weekend. Sami will be having a sleepover at her Granny's house on Saturday night because Frank and I have made plans with some friends that will go late into the evening... It's easier all around for Sami and my mom to do it this way. Also, I won't have to worry about the possibility of having to be up at 6am after going to bed, most likely, after midnight!!! It's nice to have this "break" every once in a while!

I think that is it for now! I'll leave the rest for another time!